Make Transaction

In the following article, we will use this wallet as example:

Address: 0x026A25EfbcEFb2e481d005E4F00Ccced0AF511FF
Private Key: 0x1c1a49fea9a4ede1dc8e582639f498d41fa3c4a9e2ab2b9d740a4a3ec14e1cbf


The only transaction that made on Layer-1 is deposit. It has two sub-types which are DepositETH and DepositERC20.


    "constant": false,
    "inputs": [
        "internalType": "contract IERC20",
        "name": "_token",
        "type": "address"
        "internalType": "uint104",
        "name": "_amount",
        "type": "uint104"
        "internalType": "address",
        "name": "_franklinAddr",
        "type": "address"
    "name": "depositERC20",
    "outputs": [],
    "payable": false,
    "stateMutability": "nonpayable",
    "type": "function"
    "constant": false,
    "inputs": [
        "internalType": "address",
        "name": "_franklinAddr",
        "type": "address"
    "name": "depositETH",
    "outputs": [],
    "payable": true,
    "stateMutability": "payable",
    "type": "function"

Deposit ETH

Example Code:

import { Wallet, Contract, utils } from 'ethers'

const contract = new Contract('0x8ECa806Aecc86CE90Da803b080Ca4E3A9b8097ad', ABI, wallet)
const wallet = new Wallet('0x1c1a49fea9a4ede1dc8e582639f498d41fa3c4a9e2ab2b9d740a4a3ec14e1cbf')

async function depositETH(amount) {
  const tx = await contract.depositETH(wallet.address, {
    value: utils.parse(amount)
  return tx

// deposit 1 ETH

Deposit ERC20

Like other projects, you must approve ZKSwap's main contract address to spend your ERC20 tokens in order to deposit. Be careful for those tokens that has limit on changing allowance (See

Example code:

import { Wallet, Contract, utils } from 'ethers'

const contract = new Contract('0x8ECa806Aecc86CE90Da803b080Ca4E3A9b8097ad', ABI, wallet)
const wallet = new Wallet('0x1c1a49fea9a4ede1dc8e582639f498d41fa3c4a9e2ab2b9d740a4a3ec14e1cbf')

async function depositERC20(amount, tokenAddress) {
  const tokenContract = new Contract(tokenAddress, ERC20_ABI, wallet)
  // check allowance
  const allowance = await tokenContract.allowance(wallet.address, MAIN_CONTRACT_ADDRESS)
  let nonce
  if ( {
    // approve
    const MAX_AMOUNT = '0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff'
    const approveTx = await tokenContract.allow(MAIN_CONTRACT_ADDRESS, MAX_AMOUNT)
    nonce = approveTx.nonce + 1
  const tx = await contract.depositERC20(tokenAddress, utils.parse(amount), wallet.address, {
  return tx

// deposit 100 ZKS
depositERC20('100', '0xe4815ae53b124e7263f08dcdbbb757d41ed658c6').then(console.log)


When submitting transaction to ZKSwap, the API requires 3 fields: tx, signature and fastProcessing.In the following docs, Signed Transaction refers to the tx field and ETH Signature refers to the signature field.

Private Key

Sign the following message with Layer-1's private key to get Layer-2's seed. And use zkSync's crypto libraries to get private key.

Access ZKSwap account.

Only sign this message for a trusted client!

Here's a full example of getting private key using zksync-crypto in JavaScript.

import { Wallet, Contract, utils } from 'ethers'
import { privateKeyFromSeed, private_key_to_pubkey_hash } from 'zksync-crypto'

const wallet = new Wallet('0x1c1a49fea9a4ede1dc8e582639f498d41fa3c4a9e2ab2b9d740a4a3ec14e1cbf')

async function getPrivateKey() {
    const msg = 'Access ZKSwap account.\n\nOnly sign this message for a trusted client!'
    const signature = await wallet.signMessage(msg)
    const seed = utils.arrayify(signature)

    // Get private key
    const privateKey = privateKeyFromSeed(seed)
    return privateKey


Public Key Hash

After getting private key, you will need to register you publick key hash to ZKSwap so that it can verify transations that you sent.

import { utils } from 'ethers'
import { private_key_to_pubkey_hash } from 'zksync-crypto'

const pubKeyHash = `sync:${utils.hexlify(private_key_to_pubkey_hash(privateKey)).substr(2)}`


Before submit transaction to ZKSwap, you need to sign the the transaction data.

import { utils } from 'ethers'
import { sign_musig } from 'zksync-crypto'

function signMessage(privateKey, msgBytes) {
    const signaturePacked = sign_musig(privateKey, msgBytes)
    const pubKey = utils.hexlify(signaturePacked.slice(0, 32)).substr(2)
    const signature = utils.hexlify(signaturePacked.slice(32)).substr(2)
    return {

const msgBytes = utils.concat([type, accountId, ...etc])
const signature = signMessage(privateKey, msgBytes)

Change Public Key

After the account has been "registered" on ZKSwap (via transfer or deposit), you can change the account's pubKeyHash in order to make any transaction on Layer-2. This is a special transaction that you don't need to sign it with Layer-2's private key.

Transaction Fields

Signed Transaction Example

    "type": "ChangePubKey",
    "accountId": 83670,
    "account": "0x026A25EfbcEFb2e481d005E4F00Ccced0AF511FF",
    "newPkHash": "sync:83f62ba777515089eb905a375f77f59ddfada116",
    "nonce": 0,
    "ethSignature": "0x66c1ef3611a634e400301375b291a0835b0e31237273e1bdab45acc3ef27c761674fd5e5a706566e5175e8e18306f5b8d1d36016f3894e84d527c3c97e92bcf71c"

ETH Signature

Register ZKSwap pubkey:

nonce: {hexlifiedNonce}
account id: {hexlifiedAccountId}

Only sign this message for a trusted client!

NOTE: The {pubKeyHash} in the above message doesn't contain 0x as prefix. The {hexlifiedNonce} and {hexlifiedAccountId} has 4-bytes length with 0 padding in the start and 0x as prefx. See example for reference.


Transaction Fields

Full Bytes Example


Signed Transaction Example

    "type": "Transfer",
    "accountId": 1338,
    "from": "0x026A25EfbcEFb2e481d005E4F00Ccced0AF511FF",
    "to": "0x961b513dfd3e363c238e0f98219ee02552a847bd",
    "token": 10,
    "amount": "1000000000000000000",
    "feeToken": 10,
    "fee": "0",
    "chainId": 11,
    "nonce": 1,
    "signature": {
        "pubKey": "110ffd569daaee30068fc3c85922d1237f63a41d4749d464b883131e92369204",
        "signature": "7db4f4ce33abf89cbccaff96ae0651c79043dcf965893de71e7388163ec57883b2d4ef9bf264346ceff69f9ba8dfe8624d1fad9a452acf10a5d15f956a0a7b03"

ETH Signature

Transfer {readableAmount} {tokenSymbol}
To: {to}
Chain Id: {chainId}
Nonce: {nonce}
Fee: {readableFee} {feeTokenSymbol}
Account Id: {accountId}


Transaction Fields

Full Bytes Example


Signed Transaction Example

    "type": "Withdraw",
    "accountId": 1338,
    "from": "0x026A25EfbcEFb2e481d005E4F00Ccced0AF511FF",
    "to": "0x026a25efbcefb2e481d005e4f00ccced0af511ff",
    "token": 10,
    "amount": "1000000000000000000",
    "feeToken": 10,
    "fee": "6070000000000000000",
    "chainId": 11,
    "nonce": 2,
    "signature": {
        "pubKey": "110ffd569daaee30068fc3c85922d1237f63a41d4749d464b883131e92369204",
        "signature": "68bb8413edc0182812aa90481ff46f0514df9d5d6b5703338f1a292682caad9b04cac623f95b9d26fa31d4a9330ba35b5746fd697853a0512f92b00692fe6d00"

ETH Signature

Withdraw {readableAmount} {tokenSymbol}
To: {to}
Chain Id: {chainId}
Nonce: {nonce}
Fee: {readableFee} {feeTokenSymbol}
Account Id: {accountId}



Let's take swap token A for token B as example. There are two cases:

  1. If A is a fee token, the fee token of swap is A. The number of fee is calculated by amountIn * 5 / 9995

  2. If A is not a fee token, the fee token of swap is B. The number of fee is amountOut * 5 /10000. It's not amountOutMin. amountOut equals amountOutMin then slipplage is 0.

Transaction Fields

Full Bytes Example


Signed Transaction Example

    "type": "Swap",
    "accountId": 1338,
    "from": "0x026A25EfbcEFb2e481d005E4F00Ccced0AF511FF",
    "to": "0xaa45c964e21eafb38574e9d000adbaf85acfbb80",
    "tokenIn": 10,
    "tokenOut": 0,
    "amountIn": "19990000000000000000",
    "amountOutMin": "4966214206000000",
    "feeToken": 10,
    "fee": "10000000000000000",
    "chainId": 11,
    "nonce": 3,
    "signature": {
        "pubKey": "110ffd569daaee30068fc3c85922d1237f63a41d4749d464b883131e92369204",
        "signature": "3c6c2059ab0e929ed18d6ad4fbbf1cddce0e84b0cb9537069456b16cd01f33a2bc5391f8f7e1b9ae8fdff4c5d05856709e6bfd0e9200f5293386cf1aa6b39c00"

ETH Signature

Swap {readableAmontIn} {tokenInSymbol}
Minimum: {readableAmontOutMin} {tokenOutSymbol}
To: {pairAddress}
Chain Id: {chainId}
Nonce: {nonce}
Fee: {readableFee} {feeTokenSymbol}
Account Id: {accountId}

Add Liquidity

Transaction Fields

Full Bytes Example


Signed Transaction Example

    "type": "AddLiquidity",
    "accountId": 1338,
    "from": "0x026A25EfbcEFb2e481d005E4F00Ccced0AF511FF",
    "to": "0xaa45c964e21eafb38574e9d000adbaf85acfbb80",
    "tokenA": 0,
    "tokenB": 10,
    "tokenLiquidity": 16386,
    "amountADesired": "2614699457800000",
    "amountBDesired": "10000000000000000000",
    "amountAMin": "2483964484900000",
    "amountBMin": "9500000000000000000",
    "feeToken": 10,
    "fee": "0",
    "chainId": 11,
    "nonce": 4,
    "signature": {
        "pubKey": "110ffd569daaee30068fc3c85922d1237f63a41d4749d464b883131e92369204",
        "signature": "3506a865b8a0871b706a620abbf7978760f76670c2d563f059d217890349988dd7a37d1cea3f67d5ca691453dd45d282141acac3f4dafb9f7a44b1dda3e0ca00"

ETH Signature

AddLiquidity {pairSymbol}
Desired: {readableAmontA} {tokenASymbol} {readableAmontB} {tokenBSymbol}
Minimum: {readableAmontAMin} {tokenASymbol} {readableAmontBMin} {tokenBSymbol}
To: {pairAddress}
Chain Id: {chainId}
Nonce: {nonce}
Fee: {readableFee} {feeTokenSymbol}
Account Id: {accountId}

Remove Liquidity

Transaction Fields

Full Bytes Example


Signed Transaction Example

    "type": "RemoveLiquidity",
    "accountId": 1338,
    "from": "0x026A25EfbcEFb2e481d005E4F00Ccced0AF511FF",
    "to": "0xaa45c964e21eafb38574e9d000adbaf85acfbb80",
    "tokenA": 0,
    "tokenB": 10,
    "amountAMin": "2488498128400000",
    "amountBMin": "9482735746000000000",
    "tokenLiquidity": 16386,
    "amountLiquidity": "160935707810000000",
    "feeToken": 10,
    "fee": "0",
    "chainId": 11,
    "nonce": 5,
    "signature": {
        "pubKey": "110ffd569daaee30068fc3c85922d1237f63a41d4749d464b883131e92369204",
        "signature": "bf0e5c3639e9f9f837e2d141fa9481da8e11574001dbe8cd81cb3005c9cac69ae05655d416cd53bedd27142235ad5743e9f26b66ac8643d859d0c8caf149a700"

ETH Signature

RemoveLiquidity {readableLiquidityAmount} {pairSymbol}
Minimum: {readableAmontAMin} {tokenASymbol} {readableAmontBMin} {tokenBSymbol}
To: {pairAddress}
Chain Id: {chainId}
Nonce: {nonce}
Fee: {readableFee} {feeTokenSymbol}
Account Id: {accountId}

Last updated